The operational plan will be implemented in a total of three (3) pilot and demonstration greenhouses of producers-members of AC of Tympaki, with an average area of 2 acres, located in Tympaki. The greenhouses in their current state are growing tomatoes and will be monitored in all phases of production by a qualified agronomist of AC of Tympaki under the supervision of Hellenic Mediterranean University scientific team. The implementation of the operational plan in the farms will be carried out in cooperation with the producer, the AC of Tympaki and the Hellenic Mediterranean University, but the key interventions will be carried out by Hellenic Mediterranean University.
The structure of the project is as follows:
Prior to the start of the project, and due to the particular involvement of the producers in the proper implementation of the proposed plant protection interventions, an extensive knowledge base will be provided on the existing information (levels of effectiveness on Tuta absoluta of conventional and alternative plant protection methods), the experience gained so far from other pilot applications, the interventions to be made on their crops and the objectives of the project. During the project continuous communication will be established to manage any diversions and unforeseen events.
Hellenic Mediterranean University will propose the best plant protection solutions based on the available scientific data and the laboratory bioassays to be performed.
At the beginning of the project a website will be created to present the Operational Group and the results of the project, along with a project brochure and a communication plan to promote the results through social media.
Hellenic Mediterranean University will collect populations of Tuta absoluta from the area of Tympaki, analyze their response to conventional and alternative methods of plant protection, establish a database with relevant information on estimated levels of efficacy and suggest the optimal plant protection solutions based on available scientific data and laboratory bioassays.
Monitoring the evolution of pest population density on a weekly basis
The geotechnical staff of Agricultural Cooperative of Tympaki will monitor the evolution of the pest population density on a weekly basis in order to accurately assess: a) the level of infestation pressure in real time, b) the trend of the pest population (upward/downward) evaluating at the field level the impact of the proposed interventions on the populations of the pest, c) the decision to intervene or not to intervene, taking into account all parameters. The aim will be to carry out only the absolutely necessary chemical interventions indicated according to the operational plan.
The results of the project, in synergy with the outreach and promotion activities, will be communicated to the local community in a simple and easily communicated form so that they can be implemented in practice by other farmers and agricultural advisors.
At the same time, the results of the project will be communicated to the scientific community through targeted presentations to enable them to incorporate modern practices in their own plant protection programmes.
Results will be presented at the 12th European Entomological Conference.
Two financial reports will be made during the project.
A newsletter and progress report will be created during the final phase of the project.